Policy statement

APG is an equal opportunities employer. Our aim is to be fair to everybody and to ensure that no job applicant or employee receives more or less favourable opportunities or treatment on the grounds of, for example:

There may be limited exceptions for positive action which is allowed by relevant legislation.

No-one will be disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be genuinely necessary for objective reasons. In addition, care should be taken when selection criteria such as sift conditions are set as some applicants may find these more difficult to meet due to their sex, race, marital status or disability etc.

Equal opportunities and equal treatment are the cornerstones of our recruitment and employment policy.

What has it got to do with me?

Equal opportunities impose rights and responsibilities for every member of staff. Everyone has a right to fair and dignified treatment. This means that no-one will be discriminated against nor harassed. Every member of staff has an obligation to ensure fair and dignified treatment. The contribution of everyone will be valued and everyone will be treated purely on their merits. Everyone must act fairly, within APG and the law. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action.

The APG Equal Opportunities Policy is issued to all members of staff and job applicants.