A 7 mm (5/16″) thick clear, laminated fire- and impact-resistant glass offering up to 60 minutes integrity, together with some heat insulation in suitable glazing systems. Depending on the thickness, it provides impact protection up to Class 1(B)1 of BS EN 12600.

Used extensively in fire doors and partitioning.

In the event of fire, Pilkington Pyrostop®, turns opaque providing both the integrity requirements of a barrier to hot gases and flames. As such, Pilkington Pyrodur® complies with European and ISO test standards.


Pilkington Pyrodur® Plus

For fire and impact safety for Internal Glazing applications. Such as internal door and screening applications.

Impact Safety

It comes with distinctive silver tape on all edges, for edge protection and ease of handling. This tape should not be removed, once a cut size of glass in manufactured it should not be cut again.

It should be noted that fire-resistant glass must always be specified as part of a tested and approved glazing system, and installation should be carried out by specialists in order to ensure that the expected fire performance is achieved should it be called upon. If you are not sure of the particular fire glass or rating you need? Contact us  at All Purpose Glazing for more information on products and how we can help you.

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